Tour de Rõuge opening stage in Paganamaa and Latvia!
Avaldatud:Publish: 15 July, 2017
Todays first stage of 11th Tour de Rõuge was held in Paganamaa (Devils Land) and Latvia. 17,8km with ascent of 320m visited also Latvian Republic. The fastest of the day were Vladimir Gnedovski from Russia, winning Joonas Maanurm by 13 seconds. Third place was captured by Priit Tuisk. Just before him came to finis the fastest men pair of Astro Baltics Team, riders Kristjan Randma/Toomas Lepik.
Womens win also went to Russia by Viktoria Zdeblovskaj, best mix pair was Saarefood (Liina Märtin/Arvi Romandi) and also the one and only women pair Porter Kuld got safely to finish (Anu Konga/Kaire Koik)
Preliminary results wit bonuses (60, 30 ja 15sec to the three best of each competition class)!